Traditional Marketing Practices to Reconsider in Your SaaS Marketing Strategy

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Traditional marketing is alive and well. In fact, due to the uproar over the next generation of web, inbound, and content marketing, many traditional marketing channels have been forced to lower prices in order to compete. Many organizations, especially those businesses that cater to a more local clientele can still benefit from these traditional marketing channels.

TV & Streaming

TV, and more specifically televised events are known for drawing large viewing audiences. For example, the approaching Super Bowl will attract one of the largest if not THE largest television viewing audiences of the year. While national advertising can run up a hefty tab, local advertising is significantly cheaper. Advertising during popular televised events can skyrocket the reach your business has in your local market.

TV advertisements are an effective way for SaaS marketers to reach their target audience. Television provides SaaS marketers with a wide variety of programming options and access to diverse audiences, including viewers in different age groups, locations, and income levels. They offer an unparalleled ability to build brand recognition and develop engaging content. TV ads are a cost-effective form of advertising that allows for precise targeting and the potential for strong ROI results. These factors make TV advertising an essential tool for SaaS marketers who are looking to spread their message and increase awareness about their product or services.

Traditional Marketing for SaaS Companies

There is a high likelihood that your SaaS company and marketing team have already produced and published video content that aligns with commercial creativity. If your SaaS company hasn’t boarded the video train, see our article on why you need to immediately.

Using Streaming Platforms to Advertise Your SaaS Company

Additionally, consider the massive increase in streaming platforms. There is no one rule that TV advertisements are required to stay within the bounds of cable. Granted, it will be cheaper and you’ll likely achieve more saturation with basic TV advertisements, but don’t discredit the abilities streaming platforms offer.

These can include but are not limited to Hulu, Paramount+, YouTube Red, and more, in fact, the famously ad-free streaming giant, Netflix, has been discussing the potential of adding commercials and ads as well. There are a few key aspects to keep in mind.

Pre-Roll ads are commercials that play before whatever content is selected begins. They’re typically 15 to 30 seconds long. Mid-Roll ads play during the selected content, in the same way a game or show on cable stops for a commercial break. These are a tad longer and rage from 30 to 90 seconds.

Audiences Love Streaming, and So Will You

Hulu has proven increasingly popular and valuable to businesses of any size. Virtually any company can purchase ad space on the platform through their ad selector. According to Hulu, their ad program is 150% more effective than regular TV ads and 24% better at creating a intent to purchase.

Overall, Hulu has become a major player in the advertisement game, no longer bound by the constraints of television, and instead operating within their own set realm. Additionally, Hulu is nearly 200% more effective at creating “top-of-mind awareness” and is a proven authority in customer intent and experience.

Targeting and Tracking Proven Easy with TV

Because we’re in the realm of a digital space, tracking and targeting are both easy and accessible. First off, when you do purchase ad space with a streaming platform, they allow you to target particular demographics and specifically, locations.

For example, there are major companies who purchase ad space but personalize it to their target audience. Take Ford for example… We’ve all seen some new F150 commercial that is highly produced and likely very, very expensive that plays in all 50 states. However, those last five seconds of the commercial that announce and display a specific and local call to action is that element that so many viewers take for granted.

Streaming services also guarantee local exclusivity so you can be sure your targeting goals are on par with expectations.


It’s not too difficult to create a spectacular video advertisement or visually stunning animated banner for the web. Creating an advertisement on paper that is equally as stunning is a lot more impressive and can have a greater impression on your audience. Many local businesses can’t afford a large marketing budget and therefore shun major publications. Local newspapers and magazines offer a much more affordable option that allows your business to be exposed to the local market.

Print advertising and traditional marketing for your SaaS company are still a viable form of marketing today, even in the digital age. Although digital advertising has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and ability to reach large audiences, print advertising and marketing still remain a relevant form of marketing.

Traditional Marketing for SaaS Companies

Print advertising is more engaging and tangible than digital advertising. It allows businesses to reach an audience in ways that digital advertising does not. For example, with magazine and newspaper ads, businesses are able to impress potential customers with vivid and creative graphic visuals that often inspire action and leave a lasting impression.

Print doesn’t stay within the boundaries of a newspaper ad, there is a reason billboards are sought after and bus or subway station print advertisements are popular. Plus, printed collateral such as brochures, flyers and postcards can help businesses to establish a personal connection with their target customers.

ROI and Audience Approval Increases with Print

In fact, print advertising generates higher response rates in some cases. A recent study revealed that print advertising receives an average response rate of 9%, which was higher than email, paid search, and social media combined.

Print advertising is also less expensive than digital advertising, making it a great option for small businesses with tight budgets. And it remains an effective way to build brand awareness and increase sales.

Traditional Marketing for SaaS Companies

All marketers have struggled with email marketing, AB testing, social media and paid search through a constant debate of what works best. And, while I can agree that these are all practices that should be instituted into your team’s daily marketing technique, I also know that when you overlook a strategic, proven method, you’re doing something wrong. Print advertising offers a return on investment of approximately 112% according to the same study as before. That ROI is higher than SMS, email, social media, paid search, and digital display ads.

Target Your Niche and Track Performance with Print

Some might think your teams will lose tracking or targeting abilities by implementing more traditional marketing methods like print into your rotation. However, print advertising invented targeting!

Teams are still able to target based on proximity with local papers, magazines, bus stations, demographics and interests with strategic placement of advertisements, and even buying activity by targeting folks in particular income brackets or stages of life.

Now, yes, we can all agree that by utilizing digital marketing techniques, you are able to track your campaigns success at the click of a button.

Traditional Marketing for SaaS Companies

However, consider how much more accepted QR codes, URLs, and more are to print since the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtually everyone with a phone knows how to open their camera or QR scanner and immediately visit a site. That data is extremely valuable and highly trackable. Additionally, with the ways in which technology advancements are increasingly leaning into accessibility for users of any age, you’ll access a likely older audience excited to engage.

Print advertising and marketing is still a viable form of marketing today and should not be overlooked, even for your SaaS business.


2 simple facts…

  • Americans spend over 100 hours a year driving. (
  • Radio reaches over 92% of Americans over the age of 12 each week. (

A person behind the wheel is obviously preoccupied with driving. While their eyes are focused on the road, their ears are more than likely glued to what’s coming out of their speakers. Many music stations and talk shows are local programs with unique audiences. The ability to reach both a vast majority and a targeted audience creates tremendous value in advertising with local broadcasters.

At the global level, radio remains the most widely consumed medium. That alone should be reason enough to advertise with radio. There is an incredibly unique ability to reach wide audiences and shape conversion, experience, and more with radio.

With the return on investment, efficiency, and wide audiences radio reaches, it is easily one of the most cost-effective ways to communicate your SaaS product, message, goals, etc

Traditional Marketing for SaaS Companies

3 Reasons to Implement Radio Into Your SaaS Marketing Strategy

Radio is an excellent traditional marketing tool for SaaS companies looking to reach their target audience. Radio offers a cost-effective way to reach large and specific audiences with tailored, targeted messaging. Radio advertising allows SaaS marketers to have greater control over the size of their budget by enabling them to use different time slots and days to suit their desired reach.

Besides gaining more exposure, radio also provides an opportunity for brands to be creative with sound-based content and storytelling. All these features make radio ads an essential tool for SaaS marketers who aim to engage potential customers and increase awareness about their products or services.

Radio is immediate and reaches everyone

Radio is the “right now” of news and information. Listeners participate in the moment, whether it is news, sales, promotions, events, or more. Radio allows businesses to connect with listeners at any time, in real-time.

The majority of Americans listen to radio, just because the world is moving toward a new digital landscape, it doesn’t mean companies should abandon tried and true techniques. Radio also has stand out diversity reaching more than 45 million Hispanic Americans and over 35 million Black Americans each week.

Radio reaches your target audience better than you’d ever expect.

Radio can target audiences, and in particular local audiences

Radio has always been a major authority for local information within the communities they serve. Targeting the right consumers is critical, and with Radio’s almost endless formats and stations allowing marketers to AB test and curate a wide variety of campaigns, marketers can virtually target any demographic they are seeking.

Radio is trusted and 24/7

One of the reasons radio is such a trusted source of information and entertainment is because of its commitment to never let a listener down. Radio is one of the most trusted mediums for communication in America; radio personalities become trusted community members and by utilizing that bond to a company’s advantage, your marketers can campaign with the guarantee that the listeners will trust what advertisements their favorite personalities play.

Key Takeaways

Radio, television, and print are effective traditional marketing tools for SaaS companies in today’s digital age.

Radio offers the ability to reach specific audiences through targeted messaging. Television continues to be one of the most impactful mediums to build brand recognition and develop engaging video content. Print media is still a reliable way to target local markets with engaging visuals and compelling copy. With these three forms of traditional media, SaaS marketers can create an effective campaign that helps spread their message and increases user awareness.

Traditional channels are far from being outdated, though every approach may not be perfect for every business. The key is to understand your audience, and to distinguish which channels best reach that audience.

Tony Zayas, Author

Written by: Tony Zayas, Chief Revenue Officer

In my role as Chief Revenue Officer at Insivia, I am at the forefront of driving transformation and results for SaaS and technology companies. I lead strategic marketing and business development initiatives, helping businesses overcome plateaus and achieve significant growth. My journey has led me to collaborate with leading businesses and apply my knowledge to revolutionize industries.