Top Conversion Metrics You Should Focus On

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Andy talks about some of the top metrics you should be looking at to understand how you can get better web conversion.

One thing to look at is your bounce rate. A bounce is what happens when a visitor comes to your site and leaves right away. This typically tends to happen on home-pages. If you notice that your bounce rate is a high percentage, you want to make sure you have the right look and feel to your page, with the right messages, and the right actions to take in order to reduce your bounce rate to somewhere in the 20% range.

Another thing to look at is exit rate. This will tell you what percentage of people are leaving your site from certain pages. You want to make sure that you are eliminating things on pages with high exit rates such as confusing messages, or lack of a call to action in order to decrease that exit rate.

You should also focus on metrics such as time spent on site, number of clicks on certain objects, and especially what goals are being completed. It’s important that people follow through on an action such as picking up the phone and calling you, filling out a form, or clicking a “buy” button.

These are only some of the metrics you can use. If these conversion metrics are not meeting your goals you should really consider taking a look at how your web pages are structured.

Tony Zayas, Author

Written by: Tony Zayas, Chief Revenue Officer

In my role as Chief Revenue Officer at Insivia, I am at the forefront of driving transformation and results for SaaS and technology companies. I lead strategic marketing and business development initiatives, helping businesses overcome plateaus and achieve significant growth. My journey has led me to collaborate with leading businesses and apply my knowledge to revolutionize industries.