Brand Strategy Methodology

We’ve perfected our approach to developing brand strategy through collaborative exercises.

Proprietary Platform

Our own collaborative, AI-enabled software to supercharge brand strategy development and management.

Experienced Consulting

Our team knows how to get the best out of you and transform it into smart brand narratives.

The reality is...

Business is lost each and every day when you don't communicate your value.
So it's time to get it right.

Brand strategy is positioning your business to knock competitors out of the running after every interaction with you.

Accelerate your growth through an improved market position and value narrative.

A strategic brand framework that provides all the elements to scale.

Market Strategy

Develop a plan to out-compete.

  • Audience prioritization & personas
  • Competitor analysis & benchmarking
  • Vision, objectives & goals
  • Acquisition & pricing models
  • Product & business strategy

Explore Market Strategy

Positioning & Brand

Communicate your differentiation.

  • Value propositions, differentiation & moat
  • Brand & offering architecture
  • Positioning & messaging
  • Brand feel & voice
  • Brand story-telling

Marketing & Sales

Plan to drive results.

  • Conversion actions
  • Narrowed, targeted campaigns
  • Data, measurement & performance planning
  • Tactical & responsibility planning
  • Ongoing execution management

Explore Marketing Strategy

Strengthen your Brand Strategy.

I'm Tony, CRO @ Insivia

Value propositions, differentiation & moat

To win, you have to articulate why people should buy better than everyone else.

Brand & offering architecture

To comprehend, your audience has to easily understand what and how you do what you do.

Positioning & messaging

To resonate, you must persuasively communicate your why, what and how.

Brand feel & voice

To build confidence, you must present a consistent and unified front.

Brand story-telling

To close, you need a to tell a story that inspires people to act.

Brand strategy backed by our best-in-class AI-enabled GTM strategy platform.

When you work with Insivia, you get access to our AI-enabled strategy workspace that redefines building an agile growth strategy.

  • Workshop with your team in real-time
  • Research and organize target audiences
  • Analyze and benchmark competitors
  • Organize offerings and messaging

Not only will we be able to help build a better strategy faster, but you get a single source of truth for your team and the ability to continually evolve your strategy.

It’s a hard truth.

Strategic planning and consulting are broken.
So we fixed it.

The right strategy can propel you forward, but the process shouldn’t be painful.

  • Typical consulting makes it hard to connect all the dots.

    Silo’d strategy sessions, multiple PDF deliverables and even different consultants create disorganized and disconnected strategies.

    We solve this by not only providing a progressive, systematic methodology, but also by leveraging our platform that automatically connects everything together to produce combined insights.

    Plus your strategy is centralized to create one source of truth for your entire team.

  • Gaps in knowledge leave your strategy full of holes.

    Great strategies are built upon knowing the target audience you want to influence inside and out as well as who you will compete with.

    Insivia has build a strategy platform that has built-in research and creation of highly defined Personas.

    On top of target audiences, our platform can analyze competitors to evaluate weaknesses that can be leveraged into your strengths.

  • Too many methodologies are not specific or logical.

    Common business strategy methodologies guide you to gaps that need to be filled but often don’t exactly help you fill them.

    Over two decades we have been honing our strategic methodology to include progressive exercises that logically lead you to define your strategy.

    This means that you aren’t guessing or having unorganized conversations hoping to solve the problem, but instead guided towards the right answers in a logical way.

  • Time is wasted in administration.

    If you’ve every been in a strategy workshop there can be a lot of downtime, bringing people back together or processing info.

    Our software, Frictionless, has real-time collaborative workshops that do all the work behind the scenes in milliseconds.

  • Teams have a lot of baggage and bias that hurts the process.

    You only know what you know and a lot of consulting relies on just leveraging your teams previous experiences alone.

    With our process and technology, we have infused AI to provide unbiased research to help inform the decisions we make together.

  • Strategies end up as static, unused PDFs.

    If you have ever been delivered a PDF document from a consultant and then only opened it sporadically the next few months, you aren’t achieving anything.

    We create one source of truth that is easy to update and share and makes your strategy a living, breathing part of your team.

How you can work with us.

Proven methodology, a powerful platform and experienced consultants.

DIY Software


Starts at $39 / month

Work on your own or with your team leveraging our powerful software that is infused with our methodologies.

Explore Frictionless

Or even sign-up for free

Strategy Development


Starts at $5,000

Work with our senior consultants leveraging proven methodologies on Market Strategy, Positioning & Brand, and Marketing & Sales.

Contact Us

Ongoing Strategy

Fractional CSO or CMO

Starts at $6,000 / Month

Work intimately with a strategy consultant to prioritize, workshop and produce outcomes across Market Strategy, Positioning & Brand, and Marketing & Sales.

Fractional CSO & CMO

“Insivia came in, listened well, guided our conversations, and produced a clear strategy that will help us move forward as a company.”


What would you like to know?

Common questions about our Frictionless platform & services.

  • What is Brand Strategy Consulting?

    Brand Strategy is the blueprint that defines how your company will be perceived by your target audience, helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace and create lasting connections with your customers.

    At its core, brand strategy starts with defining your value propositions, differentiation & moat. To win in today’s competitive landscape, you must clearly articulate why your offering is the best option, ensuring customers understand what sets you apart from everyone else.

    Next, brand & offering architecture ensures your audience comprehends not only what you do, but how you do it. A clear structure makes it easy for customers to navigate your products or services, giving them a strong understanding of your business and what it stands for.

    Your positioning & messaging is key to resonating with your audience. By persuasively communicating your “why,” “what,” and “how,” you can connect emotionally with customers, making your brand memorable and trusted.

    To build confidence and trust, your brand feel & voice must be consistent. From visual identity to tone of communication, presenting a unified brand ensures people experience the same level of professionalism and reliability at every touchpoint.

    Finally, a strong brand strategy leverages brand storytelling. Telling a compelling, authentic story that aligns with your audience’s values and aspirations not only captures attention but also inspires them to act.

    In short, a well-executed brand strategy is the foundation for building recognition, loyalty, and long-term success in the marketplace. It shapes how your audience perceives your brand and drives them to choose you over the competition.

  • Is there tangible value in brand strategy?

    In business, everything comes down to numbers at the end of the day.

    The proper articulation of your brand’s unique market position and value narrative is realized in clicks, conversions and sales.

    There is absolutely direct tangible impact to top line revenue with an improved brand strategy.

  • How does your Frictionless platform help with Brand Strategy?

    We built the Frictionless GTM Strategy platform to make it easier and faster for organizations to create more impactful strategies for growth.

    Within the Frictionless platform, you can accomplish a number of things:

    • Definition and prioritization of target audiences
    • Creation of detailed Personas and Customer Journeys
    • Development of Value Propositions
    • AI writing of positioning and messaging
    • Automatic creation of content and campaign ideas

    And so much more.

  • Why is your system and methodology unique?

    It’s been honed over two decades and with over a hundred companies.

    Insivia’s methodology is influenced by other proven business strategy models, but expanded with detailed and progressive exercises that remove gaps that exist in those methodologies.

    Our approach has been to build smaller exercises that progress and compound upon each other to develop an outcomes. Other programs often tell you what gaps need filled, but provide no structured way to fill the gap.

    This approach breaks strategy outcomes into structured, logical steps that remove bias and increase the quality of the insights developed.

Ask us directly.

I'm Tony, CRO @ Insivia

Andy Halko
Andy Halko
Founder & CEO

I started Insivia in 2002 and for over 22 years I have had the chance to work directly with hundreds of companies and founders to redefine or reinvent their businesses.

Building a strong Brand Strategy is fundamental for any company seeking to establish a lasting identity and connect with its target audience on a deeper level. A successful brand strategy goes beyond aesthetics—it’s about clearly defining what sets your brand apart and how you communicate that uniqueness in a way that resonates with your customers.

At the heart of any great brand strategy lies the development of a compelling value proposition and clear differentiation. To succeed, you need to convincingly answer the question: Why should customers choose your brand? This requires a deep dive into your strengths, market opportunities, and how you can deliver something distinctly valuable. Whether you’re emphasizing product innovation, superior service, or an emotional connection, each message must be crafted to align with what your audience truly values.

Equally important is establishing a coherent brand and offering structure. By organizing your products and services into an intuitive framework, you help customers easily understand what you offer and how it fits their needs. This clarity in communication is key to driving customer engagement and making it easier for your audience to explore everything your brand has to offer.

When it comes to positioning and messaging, it’s about crafting a story that sticks. To truly resonate, you must communicate not just what you offer, but why it matters to your audience. By aligning your brand’s purpose with the needs and desires of your customers, you can create a lasting impression that sets you apart. Consistency is vital here—your brand’s tone and visual identity must remain cohesive across all touchpoints to instill confidence and reinforce trust.

Brand storytelling is the final piece of the puzzle. Beyond offering great products or services, your brand must weave a narrative that captivates and motivates your audience. It’s this emotional connection, told through campaigns, customer experiences, and messaging, that elevates your brand from a commodity to something people feel invested in. A well-crafted story can inspire action, build loyalty, and foster long-term relationships with your customers.

Through my experience in developing brand strategies, I’ve found that the most successful brands are those that don’t just have a strong identity but are also able to communicate that identity clearly and consistently. A solid brand strategy empowers companies by providing a framework that highlights their unique strengths while delivering a message that resonates deeply with their target audience.

We take a strategic approach to brand building, ensuring every element—from positioning and messaging to differentiation and storytelling—is grounded in data and insights. This method ensures that your brand is not only well-defined but also effectively communicates your value to the marketplace in a way that drives growth.

By using a hands-on, collaborative approach, we refine and optimize your brand strategy at every level, ensuring that it’s ready to engage your audience, differentiate you from competitors, and scale as your company grows. Our ultimate goal is to help businesses not only understand their brand’s value but also leverage it to inspire loyalty, build trust, and lead their market.

Get to know us.

Reach out and let's schedule a discovery call.

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