Paulina Walkowiak, Founder of CUX

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Tony Zayas 0:07
Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of our show. It’s Tony Zayas here joined by Andy HELCO. Andy, you’ve been internet challenge the last couple of days. So how are you coming through today?

Unknown Speaker 0:21
I don’t know. I you know, I think it makes you realize, when you don’t have good internet, how hard it is to survive anymore?

Tony Zayas 0:30
Yeah, for sure. So I’m sorry. Was that what’s going on on our show today? Yeah, very good. So today we have, I think this is our international founder, joining our show. And this is Paulina, CO, VX. She’s the co founder and CEO of It’s the first ever UX automation tool, so I can’t wait to hear all about it. So with that, Paulina, how are you doing?

Paulina Walkowiak 1:08
I’m fine. Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Tony Zayas 1:11
Absolutely. Well, welcome. And thank you for taking the time to join the show here. We’re excited. And so we see you and I talked a little bit before we got started, we can see your background, you’re in the middle of nature, which is awesome. So tell us where you come in from.

Paulina Walkowiak 1:27
So yeah, Originally, I’m from Poland. And right now, I just moved back in here, because I spent last six years in Berlin. But because of the pandemic, and because of this opportunity, that we can have a little cabin in the woods in the middle of the woods, we decided to move in here and spend few months. So I’m really excited about it. And as you can see, it’s really calming in here.

Tony Zayas 1:58
Yeah, for sure. That’s beautiful, beautiful setting. We’ll talk a bit about that. And, you know, sometimes nature is is a good place to be in and be connected to, to kind of help you think and clear your mind and all, you know, reenergize so we could talk about that in a bit. But just to get started and it looks like Andy fell off, he might be trying to jump back in it’s we were joking that you have better internet there in the middle, as opposed to in a center of Berlin, which is crazy, right? But go ahead and tell us about the business and and kind of how it all got started. Yeah.

Paulina Walkowiak 2:35
So the finally, the final thing is that it started when I got pregnant. So it’s not usually a way to start the business, I guess. Because usually when people get pregnant, just get scared, and trying to figure it out. So we decided to start our business because I was scared, but I was scared that I will be not able to. To be in a business to I I’m not this type of Mama Bear, if you know what I mean, I just wanted to be myself and being a business and try to never focus not only on the on child, which I really wanted to have, but I wanted to be a mom, but I want to somehow to try to deal with both of roles. And the same goes for my husband, he didn’t want to be the weekend father. He just wanted to spend time with our child. So our idea was to combine our experiences and try to do something which which we already had in mind. So the idea was there, but we’re not brave enough before to start the business. So my background is marketing researcher, I also run some customer experience research, I’m anthropologist, so I knew how to analyze user that user but people behaviors and I did it offline and as my husband is developer long, long way back then developing some program I know service Services websites so we decided to combine our our experiences and he was also curious how this digital users behave, what they do how we can just see what they do and the research is not really seemed to be not really accurate because it’s it’s not like question if you want to watch somebody you doing finding on a computer, so unnatural. It’s like I’m not in this digital world. So we were thinking, what can we do to just do this research to understand how users behave, how they interact with our websites, online, and we somehow translated what I learned as a marketing researcher to this digital world. Yeah. And first, firstly, it was more like using recorder, we were recording the visits, we wanted to do something better than it is on the market. But after some time, we realized that not enough like people don’t understand qualitative data, people don’t understand where to look at user behaviors. People don’t know how to analyze the data, they are afraid they are scared of analytics. So we tried to do to automate it, to pre analyze it, to find the patterns for them. And that’s how UX automation concept was developed, was designed. And right now, we are the first tool which gather user behaviors, which recognize behavioral patterns, experience of users and translate it into the insights to our customers. So yeah, that was the way.

Tony Zayas 6:16
That’s very cool. So did the idea for the business come from the fact that you are a researcher, and you sense that, you know, people don’t really understand like, there’s a, there’s a need, right? There’s a gap, there’s analytics that exist, and every business and marketer has access to them. But people don’t really know how to make them actionable. Is that where it came from? Or was it you know,

Paulina Walkowiak 6:43
yes, my husband, as developer were like, This person who closed tasks, and he never knew exactly what the end user are doing, how they behave, how they interact with the things developed. So he was really curious what we can do to figure it out to understand that better. And we talked a lot about my experience from offline research. And what can we do to just translate it into the, into the internet worlds. So that that was, that was the thing. So we really wanted to get this new context of user behavior. Because usually, if you want to know how people interact with your website, with your digital product, you just plan you express. But as I said, it’s not the best way, I guess. And it’s really expensive. It’s time consuming. And in this world, you do react and act really quickly. So you have to analyze constantly, what is going on, you have to test new ideas. And you don’t have time to organize the whole research every time. So you really need a place when you can not only analyze the metrics, because we already have Google Analytics, and we know a lot about users. But there is still one question after going through all the numbers and other metrics you can find, there will be always the last question, why? Why is it like this? Why people drop off? Why the conversion, it’s not? On, not on this level, we really wish it to be. And with this combination of analyzing the pattern, the behavioral patterns and numbers and metrics, you have this really weak and effective to understand not only what’s going wrong with your digital product, but also what exactly is going around? What is the problem of your target audience? What is the specific needs of your user? where are the bottlenecks, and you can eliminate that not trying thing and having 5050 chance to succeed?

Tony Zayas 9:12
super interesting. I saw that. It looks like you’d have a publication focus on what’s the difference between hot jar analytics, and I love that we’re big fans of hot jar. And of course, we use Analytics as well. But I would love to hear your take on that. Like, how do you use those tools? Like what is the difference? In a nutshell, obviously, there’s a publication out there. But in a nutshell, what’s the big difference? And then how do you use those two tools to work together to make sense of you know, what users are doing?

Paulina Walkowiak 9:48
What we do, it’s a hybrid. It’s kind of a hybrid of analytics and hodder. And first of all, you have to know the context you have to know what is the journey of your user to Just come with some funnel to know how to build a funnel, conversion funnel for example, or any other funnel on on your website, then you can see where is the drop off. And it as the final step, you can analyze the recording. So we are not doing it like binge watching your your like you play in all the recordings and looking for something. But you are looking specifically in their pain points in the bottlenecks in the moments that have to focus on the solution. So you don’t waste your time on watching every recording, you just watch exactly what is really important, what matters for your business goal. So that’s how we try to work it together. And I get it a perfect combination, because you have an can are able to gain those insights about what people really need from you. And but, but but also you have some numbers, you have some statistics, you have some arguments for your stakeholders to just show them that, hey, we have a problem, we need the solution. And the solutions are usually there. Our users are just giving it to us, them to us. They’re just showing us what they need. But we sometimes with hardware, for example, we don’t know where to look, we have to be really aware of what our users in. And it’s really difficult. And it’s really tricky to not think as we are so we’re always engaged in our product we are in love in in our product. And it makes some cause some problems like Ikea effect, do you know IKEA effect. So that this effect says that we really we are really according to the product that we buy ourselves. Usually that we are looking for good sides for the strength, we don’t want to mistake the problems, you know that any anything that cause trouble? And well, we are combining those metrics. And this view this point of view of our customers as we see our product through their eyes, some somehow that had passed to avoid being too attached to her product.

Tony Zayas 12:33
That’s great. So what stage are you guys in at this point? Have you have you? Is this venture been bootstrapped? Have you raised funds, you know, and then where are you guys that with it.

Paulina Walkowiak 12:49
So we got three seed funding your year and a half ago. Right now we are after the round. And we are in this phase of I forgotten the English word personalization. If I can say it like this, like we have this product market fit when it’s working, and we are preparing for scaling, that’s the best way to describe it. So it’s really early stage. But from the very, very beginning, we were really close to the market. And we had a lot of users and, and customers. But still it’s I guess, really early stage. Because when we started we thought that we will be like hotter, but better. And people don’t You don’t need culture. But better people need something which makes analytics more accessible, more available for everybody, for people who just start in a digital digital world. And as you can, as you probably know, there is like the digitalization because of the pandemic is going so fast. So a lot of people need this knowledge, don’t have this knowledge, just start. So we are trying to pre analyze it for them to educate them how to use those data. And to make this clear that if you are just I know small or mid business, you don’t need big right? Because you will not have enough data to analyze data, you will have more data and will be pretty, pretty successful if you have just a strategy. So that’s what we tried to do a for our customers.

Tony Zayas 14:38
I love that because you hear so much about big data and people feel that that you know, that is the path you have to follow. But if you’re a smaller business, you may never reach that point. And so how do you make sense of like you said the small data so that’s that’s really cool. I’m gonna be curious, you know, how did you Your first customers, how did you bring them on? We’re users I should say, even just to test it out. And, and you know, we’d love to hear that. And then the second part of that is, how do you get their feedback.

Paulina Walkowiak 15:13
So we started, like three months after we, we started developing the, the product. So we’re really early, and it was really important for us to be on the market to be tested on this in this real organization. So we started with some software houses, and some research agencies, because we thought that it’s our target audience. It wasn’t. But they were really, they were engaged, they really wanted to give us a feedback because it was something really new. It was Paul, it were Polish companies. So they were really proud that product like this, it’s it’s on Polish market, and started to be developed on Polish market. So it was easy to get their feedback. I guess that the main problem was that we didn’t realize that they don’t understand what we do, really. So they had this idea that it can help in, for example, marketing research, that it can support, some gathering some insights or for the clients. But the market wasn’t ready for that there was some knowledge gap, I guess, people usually think that this kind of product, let’s say, recorder, you can just use product updates or product improvement. And it’s not true, it’s more complex. And it has the analytical value if it’s done properly. So that’s what we that’s what we tried to change. So when we realize that they don’t want the good user experience on their website, they just want two lines to come back. When there was nothing like three years ago, when we started a software houses were just run for the new clients and going like like this, the user experience was like yeah, someday we’ll take care of that. And right now, when the pandemic started last year, it’s completely different. They completely change their mind, the more and more companies use additional value for their clients, marketing agencies, software houses, I’m running a lot of workshops with a big software houses that are in lack of of this kind of knowledge, like how to analyze how to get this insights how to get the quick wins how to work with the kind of because there’s you know, there’s big data or Google Analytics, nothing in between sometimes called Jerry, you want to know how how to change the product, how to change the color of the bottles or stuff like this. But there is a really big space for the optimization of your marketing communicates or marketing messages of the sales. Sales messages have a lot of different things that fight finally make the conversion working or not. So So yeah, so that’s where we are and and how we shifted because we thought that it would be great idea to work with agencies firstly, but then they didn’t know how to use it. So we switched to the E Commerce’s mostly to the to the product owners in E Commerce’s. And it worked. And right now, I can see that the agencies and software houses are coming back and they just need to fill this gap. Yeah.

Tony Zayas 19:21
So it’s it’s you and your husband. Are you the two co founders?

Paulina Walkowiak 19:26
Yes, we have two co founders.

Tony Zayas 19:29
And he’s a developer and you’re back background in market research. So I’m just curious, because it seems like you’re both that both of that is pretty deep, technical analytical backgrounds. Did you have a challenge with you know, the two of your approach being a little overly complex perhaps and it sounds like some of what you learned is learning you know, people want outcomes, they know all the crazy details that you to configure out? Is that something that you guys had to, you know, work through? And I guess I will. So my question will be, how has your approach changed, as the founder, as you’ve, you know, went from being a researcher having an idea and then launching this product? And now what you’ve learned from users? Do you look at things a little bit differently when you take it to market?

Paulina Walkowiak 20:24
I’m glad you asked that, because it was the biggest challenge, I guess. We were really strict about the product, we wanted the methodology to be just and what we what was our biggest struggle was this business, to make it work to make it work and to find this product market fit to be open for the really valuable feedback. So don’t don’t take it as, okay, it’s our mistake, but to turn it into this value for our customers, the feedback we got from them. So it was a big challenge. And it changed all like 180 degrees, I guess, right now, because now I know that in the end, it’s a business and it’s good to be passionate about what you do. And I’m still it’s my really It’s my biggest strength, I guess that I can talk about what I would I do love it, that I can just convince almost everybody that it’s really worth to try at least. But right now, I know that it doesn’t make me pay for my apartment. So I, I really have to focus on the business side. And sometimes they’re not not even sometimes usually, almost always the easiest, the best way and people need easy solutions, solutions, which are there is really easy way to go to the to the product, people are scared of analytics. So we have to do it in some sexy way. So we are trying to just figure that figured out how to make it as easy as possible, and how to make it sexy as possible. And how to this make this analytics more approachable for even marketing people. Because marketing people always want something creative. And if there is some topic to discuss, and right now I can see the marketing people all we’re also trying to try our product and going there and trying to be more familiar with the data. So that’s our big, big success I get because it’s something that it’s there is a big need on the market for that. There’s a lot of data, there is more and more data. But nobody really studying us how to use it, how to gather like, how to get the real, full insights from all the data we can gather. So right now I’m thinking in a completely different way. I’m thinking about the solutions, not only my solution, and not only my my background, but also on that what will be the next steps, what will be division, how we will go through the, to the point we really want to go so yeah, so that’s that’s, that’s really different.

Tony Zayas 23:45
It’s great. So you’ve raised some funds. Curious what your experience was, like with that process?

Paulina Walkowiak 23:55
Oh, it was really it was it was really challenging, because, again, I was pregnant for the second time. So you can imagine pregnant lady trying to get some funding. I was uncomfortable. It’s not good words, I guess. I was really afraid that people will not trust me. I’m not professional how to bring them lady can get the funding. But really luckily, for me, I had no bad bad experiences. So that was not the case. Only case was how much time do we have before we sign the papers? So I was three weeks after my baby was born. I was back in in work, but it was good. I was weaker. I was signing the papers with two month old baby with me in an author so it was really it was really challenging, but they trusted in us as you know, pre seed investment It’s trusting in people not in business. So the trust in that and we are trying to deliver. So we use the money for r&d. Mostly, that was this big focus on this automation thing, to just make it happen to develop the algorithm that we would that will recognize those patterns. And that was through really good spending money, I guess, right now we are able to just live on our own, like the company is able to do that. So I guess it’s really good idea. Right now, slowly, we are looking for next round. Because we just want to speed it up. We know what our strengths are, what is our target group, so we are ready to invest much more money into just make make it happen and get the real traction? Because, of course, we have attraction, we can live on our own. But you know, with startups, it’s like, we really want to big we want to be a number one. So. So yeah,

Tony Zayas 26:09
that’s great. What would you share with anybody who’s watching this, that’s about to go into the process of raising funds, and they might be pitching, what was what would be the biggest lesson that you learned going through the process and successfully securing.

Paulina Walkowiak 26:28
Um, so first of all, you have to remember that it’s about, it’s all about money. So everybody want to earn huge amount of money from from your idea. And that’s what you what you should try to sell. But that’s the most important thing is that you have to there’s the saying that in being startup and investor, it’s like marriage. And that’s, that’s really true there, there have to be good vibes between the two of you, you have to feel this. them are people, I really use my intuition. When it comes to that. And I really use this, I guess it’s my woman power, Tom, somehow that I really listened to my gut feeling to my heart. Because this is a long term relationship, and you will be with those people, you will have to have good and you have to feel what your strength and put there so what you can learn from them. And I think it is, sometimes it’s difficult, because it’s completely new type relationship business relationship, especially if you’re a first time founder. But if you know that there are right people for you, it’s the right moment for you. And you really can take the responsibility for your decision that you give the part of your company your child, somehow, to other people that you have to be sure that there are good people, good people for you, or people who matching you. And I guess for me, that was really, really the most important important thing, because for the smart money. It will come in time, the next next rounds that can be the the really smart money experienced people more experienced people. The first round, more about trust, it’s more about this first experience. So yeah, you can really listen to your to your heart. I hope it’s not too romantic, but the way

Tony Zayas 28:55
I love it, and we’ve heard similar from other founders we’ve talked to, and I do think that that’s really important for people to, you know, keep in mind that, you know, somebody else that was on our show recently said, you know, anyone, it’s not necessarily about the concept. Everyone has ideas. It’s the trust that the investors are putting in the people and the team that they can pull that off. And so I think there’s a lot to be said, for the point that you’re making, and both ways that you’re finding the right people, the investors for you, and you’re, you know, you’re the right people, for those investors to put their trust in. So I think that’s fantastic. It’s a great perspective, and you don’t hear that as much. So I do appreciate that. Along those lines, I would love to hear from you, Paulina. You’re pretty open about the fact that it seems like you know, you had some self doubt maybe going into it, saying, you know, what are they gonna think you know, I’m this I’m this pregnant woman, you know, I would love to hear

Paulina Walkowiak 29:58
so come on. It’s like Lazaros the opposite because we just started.

Tony Zayas 30:07
Yeah, you know, I see like in your, in your LinkedIn profile, you have mompreneur in there. I love that. You know, there’s, there’s plenty of women out there that have early stage startups or have an idea and would love to get involved. And it’s, it’s challenging. And there is, you know, the numbers out there about the amount of funding that goes to women and how minuscule it is, give us some hope, because you have had success here. Tell us about how that felt how you overcame those challenges. And, you know, maybe share a little bit about that, that process and journey.

Paulina Walkowiak 30:42
So first, you have to understand, like, it’s bullshit. If it comes to startups, there’s no such thing like work life balance, not at all. It’s like, it’s your life, like your work, it’s your life, your life, it’s your work. If this is the more like harmony thing, not the boss, there’s, you will try to keep the balance, you will go down. Because it’s not working, there is no possibility, there are some days that your child needs you really bad. There are some situations in your company that you have to be 24 hours with your clear mind and just focus on the work. So you have to balance it, but not this way. Like you know, get this line and there is work. There’s bonds, two separate things. No, no, it’s together, it’s completely together. It’s not for everybody, but it gives you one thing I am happy about the most. So it’s freedom. It’s complete freedom, like you can be, you can have everything at the same time, like being mother being a businesswoman. Just developing yourself and working on yourself. It’s really cool, cool idea. And it’s not man’s word. We meet a lot of women in it. Because those two perspectives like women men, it’s like perfect combo, I guess in our companies, usually 5050 Right. And now it’s 75% of women even. And it works really good because we have those two perspectives, we really discuss things from those different perspectives. And it makes it I don’t know how to say, but I guess it’s like to the fullest, you know, like, you can use this potential to the fullest.

Tony Zayas 32:54
That’s great. I want to hear more about your team in a moment. But before we dive into that, I would love to hear a bit about the dynamic in your marriage. It’s funny that you mentioned that work life balance is bullshit. And it’s harmony and that’s actually how we phrase the question when we usually ask about it is that exact phrase so work life harmony so with you know, we’ve had a few founders that went on, you know, that have been husband wife, and would love to hear you know, how do you make that harmony there within the marriage and the family and all of that.

Paulina Walkowiak 33:35
So, right now we are together. So that’s the moment where we know each other pretty good, I will say and I think that it will not work if we will be not together in it. So that was that was the goal is like you invested too much in a company and also in a family that if you will, if we will not understand each other like if we will not supply to the other team, it will be really really difficult and I guess we will be fighting them in here. It’s good. It’s a bit challenging because sometimes you can see that your husband is retired, you can see that somebody you love like has too much on his shoulders. But in the end I will not change it like I guess it’s it’s a bit challenging. Especially when we are tired and you’re trying to sneak like okay now you are trying tired. So I would like more responsibility. And we try to change and it’s the same at home and we children so you we have to just figure out who is in bigger needs to rest. Sometimes we also try to press together because it’s really important, but I am this person who think parents first, and in our family in our home, firstly, our needs, and then our, our children, they’re our mother, another project, but they will be with us together, we are in this together, but feel like in the airplane, you know, first get the oxygen per year and for the child. And that’s what a life I guess

Tony Zayas 35:35
that’s great. I’m sorry, would love to hear about, you know, the team, what the team looks like some of the roles and

Paulina Walkowiak 35:45
really small team. Right now, it’s only four or five. Usually, it is it used to be up to 10. But after the r&d, r&d phase, we just cut some some stuff because it wasn’t so important. So we focus on marketing and sales. And that’s the roles Oh, which are in the in our team. It’s us, and sales and marketing. So that’s what we focus about. Right now, we also have some people who help us but it’s like from time to time when we really need to push something to fix something to use it for people have the core team and we really focus on finding the people who can really build a core of our business. So right now for us, it wasn’t a challenge to find somebody who will help us, but somebody who will build the car, it may be they are not the founders because they joined us a bit a bit later. And but they pretending to be founders, we are trying to build a really, really strong core team. And after this during the process, we decided to cut it because yeah, we wanted to be sure there is a product market fit and that there is that we really understand that they need on the market, and then hire another people. So right now we start to feel that it’s it’s not enough that we need more more people, we need more people who will support us, especially in this development part of work. But for some time, we just you know, take us back on the beginning of this year. It was It wasn’t easy. But it was really good decision. I guess it was perfect. Because we learned a lot. And we have this we are sure that people who are here are really, really good car.

Tony Zayas 38:05
Yeah, that’s, that’s interesting. So you’re really looking at these people to help build the foundation of your business. With that being said, I would love to get your take on culture, you know, what is the company culture that you’re looking to build, you have to find the right people that fit that culture.

Paulina Walkowiak 38:28
Like we are a family company, so it’s really important for us that everybody has a space for their family as well. And we are looking for people who have some life after after the work, because we have the six hours working day. And it works fantastic. Because you cannot focus for longer, and we really, we really love this that we can put in the first part of the day on work and then just go on leave and spend time with our families, friends and do our hobbies. So that’s definitely something I’m looking for. I’m looking for people who are really passionate and who don’t say no. Like, they are saying don’t work with people who hate something. It’s impossible. I only work with people who say okay, it needs time, but we will do this we will figure it out. So that’s the thing I really looking for. And I trust my gut feelings. I have to feel that this person can just be a good addition to the name have. We had so be a perfect mixture. And I guess every part of our team right now is give 100% of themselves what together we are like real power.

Tony Zayas 40:00
The screening, that’s a really interesting and cool take just the fact that, you know, the focus on family and life outside of work. And I think that makes for, you know, whole healthy people, you know, whole healthy business. So yeah, that’s great. appreciate you sharing that. You know, I did see that you did you gave a TED talk. I believe it was in Polish. So I didn’t get, you know, really comprehend that. What what, what was the talk about? I would love to hear a little.

Paulina Walkowiak 40:37
Yeah, it was about mompreneur shape. It was about this good and bad sides of being mom and entrepreneur and a woman in it. Yeah, so it was some, some hints, my thoughts about how about this work life balance, as are those things that you, you, you can really like I wanted and through other women, that there is a space for them in it, that if they consider to start their own company, that’s good. And it’s not like the child is. It’s some kind of like, you will struggle when you are a mom, you will of course, but you will struggle, calm, definitely the same when you are not among the parent. So yeah, I will I also talking about my experiences about how it was week before. week before the TED talk, my both of both of my charts started taping. So you can imagine just going with them on my hands burning man trying to somehow calm them. And I was thinking like, what I’m doing, why, why I wanted to do the state the way I wanted to be this mumpreneur. And then this story started to come to me like, Okay, I’m at this point, it’s my decision, it’s that really big value that everyday, I can eat breakfast with my family, I was able to spend the first year of, of life of my children with them, I didn’t miss anything. So even if I will be a bit less successful, or I will be slower than other founders, that’s totally fine. Because I have both of things. And I can learn business, I can learn how to be a mom. So it’s just when I’m preparing for real, to come. And this time, it’s really important. Because you know, we usually focus on this end of this part that we want to be, we won’t have success. We want to be successful. We want to be there. But I really enjoyed the part that I really enjoyed. And it’s cool to realize and that was my FedEx about that it’s it’s really good to appreciate that you can have everything but you have to realize for everything

Tony Zayas 43:14
that is awesome. I really want to shift gears just for a second go back to the team. Is your team remote? How do you guys work?

Paulina Walkowiak 43:26
Yes, we are completely remote right now. When the pandemic started with decided to just cancel our lease for for the office. And we decided to go fully remote and right now. There is no barriers of hiring new people because we can hire everywhere. Yeah, so that’s, that’s that’s the thing. It’s sometimes it’s challenging, but we have our rituals. We meet and play. Oh, I don’t know the English name. Column. Do you know Colombo? No, you don’t know it? No. You showing something? And the other people is guessing what you’re showing or drawing. What is the name? I knew the English name. Charades experience. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That’s cool. So we played and we tried to just keep it after hours as well.

Tony Zayas 44:25
Very cool. That’s very similar to our story. So we got rid of our business, you know, got rid of the business, got rid of the office space, and everyone went remote. And that’s allowed us to bring on employees, you know, anywhere, which has been outstanding, so that that is really cool. How else How did pandemic affect the business?

Paulina Walkowiak 44:48
Pretty good. Thank you. So a lot of businesses went digital. Also, the big companies realized how important is the online part of their business. So everybody wants to understand how to how to react, what to do what users need, how they change how their behavior change. So everything changed, and it speed up our business. Definitely, because there is more and more digital businesses, there’s more and more need to understand, there’s more, the market is more competitive. So you really have to be careful about this. Your, your strengths, how to build the company that will address people’s needs, your exact target group needs. And to build the real market, you really need to focus on your users. So people started to see that and started to look for some feel their gap. And we’ll do it quickly. So they will not have to have a lot of tools and learn a lot in a really short time. So we try to we try to help them. And they are trying to Yeah, they have this was even much bigger, since the pandemic started.

Tony Zayas 46:22
Wow, that’s, that’s great to hear. And it’s interesting you hear you know, it’s one way or the other companies were devastated by the pandemic, or created a lot of new opportunity. So it’s exciting to talk to, you know, businesses that found new opportunity, help people in the new space. It’s really cool.

Paulina Walkowiak 46:42
That makes started my investor. Were talking to me and asked me how we will deal with it. I was really relaxed. I was like, come on, people will need us. And he was like, how you can be so calm how you can be so sure. I said we will see. I am sure. And he’ll say she’s crazy, I think. And but yeah, it turns out that it’s good. So yeah, maybe I’m crazy. But it’s good thing. Crazy for

Tony Zayas 47:13
good. Yeah. So, Paulina, tell us what are the goals? You know, for the upcoming, let’s say 12 months with the business? What are you guys looking to do? Maybe even from a, you know, from an outcome standpoint, but also, what is the product roadmap look like? You know, what are you guys planning for the next year?

Paulina Walkowiak 47:33
Oh, so it will be really busy. And next 12 months, because we want to get another round to just really scale their business and to invest a lot in marketing. globally? I guess. So that’s the that’s the first thing. The second thing is that we really want to explore which markets to focus first. We have some ideas. We work with a lot of markets right now. But it’s it’s, it’s not enough. So we will do that. With the product, we want to go with the next steps to being predictive analytics tool. So we will try to teach our algorithm new things and try to speed up this way to be ready to predict what users will do where and chances that you will sell demos. And I’m just way it’s all different challenges. But yeah, we’ll definitely go go this way. We planned some big partnerships. That’s the time. Every startup, I guess there comes some time came some time that you have rely on the partnerships. And for us, it came so we start to focus on that. Yeah, so that’s, that’s it, we plan you matrix, we plan modules to analyze marketing campaigns to use this potential to analyze my fingerprints. I don’t want to say too much. But I guess there is really, really big chance on this market to use it and the first Yeah,

Tony Zayas 49:29
that’s exciting. Very, very cool. There’s a question that we like to wrap up our shows with and we like to ask, you know, on this journey, being a founder, if you were to go back and be able to have a cup of coffee with yourself, you know your Self the flight before you started this venture? What piece of advice would you share with you know, your former self

Paulina Walkowiak 49:57
trust your gut feeling Be brave enough to trust your gut feeling. It doesn’t matter that you’re not experienced in business. If you you can, a lot. And if you can sense it, just do it. Don’t wait for anybody to tell you that right? Don’t wait for anybody to be first, just do what you feel. And if you’re on the right way it will pay off.

Tony Zayas 50:24
That’s awesome. Very cool. Paulina, it’s been fantastic having you on before we go. Tell our viewers and our audience, where could they find out more about you about the business? Pay attention, because I think you have exciting things on the horizon. And we want to know how we can, you know, see what’s going on.

Paulina Walkowiak 50:44
So if you’re in this topic, you know, in analytics, look on our blog, it co ag that I O slash blog, or just go to our website. I’m available on social media, mostly on LinkedIn. I’m trying to find some time to be active there, but it’s not so easy. So yeah, I’m only spoken in our Kodiak, I’m on Facebook, but notice what is being name and or Yeah, or blog in my LinkedIn are the best sources, I guess. Yeah, definitely. Awesome. Find a pro in there because I’m recording videos for that with our marketing marketing manager. So it sometimes it’s really funny. So yeah, you can sign up for our newsletter.

Tony Zayas 51:39
Awesome. Well, very cool. Paulina, thank you so much for spending your time. This is my the background that you have as my favorite of anyone that’s had like I so enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you for your time. And we appreciate everyone tuning in today. We will see you next time. Thanks a lot and take care.

Paulina Walkowiak 52:01
Thank you, you too. Bye bye