How to Get Everyone on the Same Page

Reading Time: 7 MinutesGrowth StrategyThe Vision Gap
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In the bustling corridor of the B2B sector, carving a niche and asserting a sustainable presence demands more than just a robust business model or a unique value proposition.

At the heart of enduring success lies a clear, compelling vision that serves as the compass guiding every strategic maneuver and operational endeavor. This vision, when distilled into a resonant mission statement and underpinned by a set of core values, becomes the linchpin that holds together the fabric of an organization’s identity and purpose.

A glance at the statistics reveals a concerning disconnection between employees and their organization’s guiding principles.

A staggering 61% of employees are in the dark about their company’s mission statement.

The story doesn’t end at ignorance; even among those who are acquainted with the mission statement, a substantial 57% find no motivation in it. This glaring gap underscores the critical need for B2B entities to invest time and thought into crafting a vision that’s not only vivid but also evokes a sense of shared purpose.

The ensemble of a vision, mission, and core values forms the cornerstone of a company’s foundational ethos.

A well-articulated vision sets the long-term destination, the mission acts as the roadmap, while the core values are the moral compass guiding the journey. When these elements are crafted with clarity and communicated effectively, they have the power to galvanize a team, fostering a culture of coherence and concerted effort towards common goals.

“When completed, it’s meant to be woven into your company’s culture, guiding your employees decision making and giving all involved clear goals to strive for,” Cameron Herold said.

The ripple effect of this shared vision is profound, influencing not only the morale and productivity of individual team members but also the overall effectiveness and success of the organization.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into understanding these core elements, the process of creating a vivid vision, and how to embed this vision into the organizational fabric to drive a unified effort towards achieving B2B success.

Understanding the Core Elements Of Getting Your Team Aligned


A vision is a forward-looking statement that outlines what a company wants to become or achieve in the long-term. It serves as a guiding star, providing a clear direction and inspiring stakeholders towards a common future.

The vision sets the stage for all strategic planning, helping to align efforts and resources towards achieving the desired state. It also plays a crucial role in shaping the organization’s culture and brand identity, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging among employees.

Characteristics of a Compelling Vision:

  • Inspirational: A compelling vision inspires and motivates, igniting a passion for what can be achieved.
  • Clear and Imaginable: It should paint a clear and vivid picture of the desired future, making it easy to visualize.
  • Long-term: It should focus on the long-term aspirations rather than short-term goals.
  • Challenging yet Achievable: It should stretch capabilities while remaining realistic.
  • Unique: Reflects the unique values, strengths, and aspirations of the company.

Real-world examples from successful B2B companies:

  • Microsoft’s vision of “a computer on every desk and in every home” exemplified a clear, compelling vision that drove the company’s growth and innovation.
  • Salesforce’s vision of “creating a whole new technology model, which we call ‘The Real-Time Enterprise’” showcases a forward-looking, transformative vision.


A mission statement outlines the company’s core purpose, identifying what it does, who it serves, and how it differentiates itself.

While the vision is about the future, the mission focuses on the present, outlining the ongoing activities that will help realize the vision.

Crafting a Mission Statement that Resonates:

  • Engage Stakeholders: Involve a diverse group of stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive understanding and buy-in.
  • Reflect Core Competencies: Highlight the unique strengths and competencies that differentiate the company.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Use clear, straightforward language to convey the mission.

How a Mission Drives Daily Operations:

  • Alignment: Ensures that day-to-day operations are aligned with the overall purpose and long-term vision.
  • Decision-making: Provides a framework for making strategic decisions that contribute to achieving the vision.
  • Performance Metrics: Establishes the basis for setting and measuring performance metrics to track progress.

Core Values

Core values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide behavior and decision-making within an organization.

They create a shared culture, foster ethical behavior, and help attract and retain like-minded employees.

Identifying and Articulating Core Values:

  • Self-reflection: Reflect on what values are fundamental to the company’s identity and success.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engage stakeholders to identify values that resonate across the organization.
  • Clear Articulation: Clearly articulate the values, explaining what they mean and why they matter.

Embedding Core Values in Company Culture:

  • Communication: Regularly communicate and reinforce core values through various channels.
  • Leadership Example: Leaders should exemplify core values in their behavior and decisions.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward behavior that aligns with core values, fostering a culture of adherence and appreciation.

The Process of Creating a Vivid Vision

Involving Key Stakeholders

Identifying Who to Involve in the Vision Crafting Process

In B2B companies, it’s crucial to involve a mix of stakeholders including leadership, key managerial personnel, and even representative clients or partners. Their varied perspectives can provide a rich understanding of the company’s current stance and future aspirations.

Engaging Different Perspectives to Enrich the Vision

Encourage open discussions and brainstorming sessions to gather diverse insights and ideas. This collaborative approach not only enriches the vision but also fosters a sense of ownership and alignment among stakeholders.

Utilizing Facilitated Workshops

The Role of Facilitated Discussions in Vision Creation

Facilitated workshops provide a structured environment for stakeholders to collaboratively explore and define the company’s vision, mission, and values. These sessions, led by skilled facilitators, ensure that discussions remain focused, productive, and inclusive.

Tools and Techniques for Effective Workshops

Employ techniques like SWOT analysis, scenario planning, or design thinking to explore ideas. Tools like whiteboards, sticky notes, or digital collaboration platforms can help capture thoughts, group ideas, and visualize the evolving vision.

Translating Ideas into Clear Statements

Post-workshops, consolidate the insights gathered and draft clear, compelling statements for the vision, mission, and core values. Ensure these drafts encapsulate the long-term aspirations and unique strengths of the B2B company.

The Iterative Process of Refining the Vision, Mission, and Values

Share the drafts with stakeholders, seeking feedback for refinements. It may require several iterations to hone the statements to accurately reflect the collective vision and values of the company.

Seeking Feedback and Making Final Adjustments

Once refined, circulate the statements among a broader audience within the company for additional feedback. Make any final adjustments to ensure clarity, alignment, and resonance. Formalize these foundational elements and prepare for a company-wide launch to communicate and embed the newly crafted vivid vision into the organizational culture.

This process, though rigorous, ensures a well-thought-out and collectively embraced vision that can guide a B2B company towards a cohesive and effective pursuit of its long-term objectives.

Communicating and Embedding the Vision

Effective Communication Strategies

Tailoring Communication to Different Audiences within the Organization

Communication is the vessel that carries the vision, mission, and core values from the echelons of management to every corner of the organization. In a B2B scenario, where interactions often span multiple departments and stakeholder groups, tailored communication is crucial. Crafting messages that resonate with different audiences, from sales and marketing to operations and support, ensures that everyone understands and aligns with the organizational vision. It may involve highlighting different aspects or benefits of the vision that pertain to each group’s role and objectives.

Utilizing Various Channels for Communication

Leveraging a mix of communication channels amplifies the reach and impact of the vision messaging. Utilize company meetings, internal newsletters, the company intranet, and even informal gatherings to share and reinforce the vision. In B2B settings, where client relationships are pivotal, external communication channels like corporate websites, client meetings, and industry events also serve as platforms to articulate and exemplify the company’s vision, mission, and values.

Training and Orientation

Integrating the Vision, Mission, and Values in Onboarding Processes

The onboarding process is the gateway through which new employees step into the organizational culture. Integrating the vision, mission, and values into this process seeds these foundational elements into the newcomers’ understanding of their role and the company. In B2B companies, where client interactions are frequent, ensuring that employees can articulate and embody the company’s vision and values is crucial.

Continuous Education and Reinforcement

Continuous education programs, workshops, and regular discussions can serve to reinforce the vision, mission, and values, keeping them alive and relevant in daily operations. In B2B landscapes, where market dynamics and client needs often evolve, periodic refresher sessions can help realign the workforce with the organizational vision and adapt it to current realities.

Measuring Alignment and Impact

Metrics for Evaluating Alignment

Assessing the alignment of teams and individuals with the vision, mission, and values is essential to gauge the effectiveness of communication and embedding efforts. Metrics could include employee surveys on understanding and alignment, client feedback on value delivery, and evaluations of decision-making alignment with core values.

Assessing the Impact on Organizational Performance

The ultimate testament to the vivid vision’s efficacy is its impact on organizational performance. Assessing metrics like employee engagement, client satisfaction, and business growth against the backdrop of the vision and values can provide valuable insights.

In B2B companies, where long-term client relationships are vital, an aligned and motivated workforce can significantly contribute to client retention and growth, underscoring the vision’s pivotal role in driving organizational success.

Andy Halko, Author

Written by: Andy Halko, CEO & Founder

I started Insivia in 2002 and for over 22 years I have had the chance to work directly with hundreds of companies and founders to redefine or reinvent their businesses.