Web Design Articles & Insights

While the concept of ‘above the fold’ has ruled the hearts and minds of web marketers and designers alike, it is not the almighty truth many perceive it to be, […]

🕑 Reading Time: 10 Minutes

Our AI-Powered Tool To Rewrite For Readability

We built CopyFlow.AI for you to rewrite your website copy for scannability and readability using AI and our trained models.

F-Pattern Rewriter

Check out these 10 Usability features your site needs to have to perform up to standards.

🕑 Reading Time: 21 Minutes

There are many ways to distribute your content, but here are 5 that you can’t pass up.

🕑 Reading Time: 11 Minutes

SaaS Founder Interview Show

Fascinating conversations with successful SaaS founders who share their journeys, learnings, and insights.

The SaaS Founder Show

In the competitive digital landscape, even the most brilliant content can fade into obscurity without an effective distribution strategy. For SaaS companies, the challenge is not only to create valuable […]

🕑 Reading Time: 28 Minutes

Today Rick lets you know if you still need to worry about submitting an XML sitemap. Video Transcription Hey everyone, Rick Scheeser here and today I’m here to talk to […]

🕑 Reading Time: 1 Minutes

User experience (UX) is more than just a buzzword in the SaaS industry; it’s a cornerstone of successful product design. As cloud architects, understanding the nuances of UX can significantly […]

🕑 Reading Time: 26 Minutes

MEGA menus!  Why are they so mega and why can they help drive mega conversions for your software website? Let’s look at a few SaaS & Tech Mega Menus First […]

🕑 Reading Time: 4 Minutes

SaaS Brand Strategy Show

10 episodes exploring audience prioritization, market differentiation, positioning, voice and more.

Growth Strategy Show

Introduction to the Five-Second Test As a strategic consulting and advertising agency for SaaS companies, we encounter many businesses that crave a simplified and cost-effective way to test the usability […]

🕑 Reading Time: 9 Minutes

Think of your website as the online extension of your SaaS brand—the public face of your company that interacts digitally with potential and existing customers around the world. Effective web […]

🕑 Reading Time: 29 Minutes

SaaS Website Conversion Show

We're talking all about how to increase website results through conversion tactics.

SaaS Website Design Show

Launching a new website often feels like crossing the finish line of a marathon. Yet, the reality is that this is just the beginning. Despite the common belief that a […]

🕑 Reading Time: 20 Minutes