Smart Mobile Websites for Smart Phones

September 25, 2012

It’s been enough time now that mobile-oriented websites are not only a great way to connect with consumers on the go but they’re also a vital part of any business’ marketing plan. These sites allow individuals to connect with a company no matter where they are and to take advantage of the services the business offers. Over 10% of users in the United States do their web browsing exclusively through phones 1. The science behind attracting sales through mobile websites is still evolving, but there are definitely current trends that have found success.

First and foremost is presenting the content a mobile user absolutely needs. While intuitive with its touch screen, mobile devices are still much smaller and less easy to browse than on a traditional monitor setup. The best way to circumnavigate this issue is to narrow the amount of content on the site to just what the customer requires from your business 2. For example, a restaurant’s mobile site would only want to focus on presenting the menu, hours, and contact information. This ensures the visitor gets exactly the information needed in the least amount of time. Additionally, keeping the website generally light in terms of content helps ensure quick load times regardless of wireless connection.

Along with focusing on what content to keep, the actual user experience (UX) of the website has a major hand in the site’s conversion rate. The UX is generally seen as the overall feel and usability of the site everything from the design, to content, to ease of navigation 3. All these elements contribute to making the user’s visit a positive and productive experience that increases conversion rates. In particular navigation is important, as the smaller screens on a mobile device require more care to avoid going to an incorrect page. This means that the viewer must have a clear understanding of how to move about the site, whether it is through large button links or (and the most popular non-commerce option) displaying all information on a single, segmented page you simply scroll down.

Users on mobile devices often don’t have time to spare, so knowing both what they need and the best ways to access that content is the simplest way to improve your mobile site’s results. There is a bit more research initially needed when designing these types of websites, but the payoff of a positive customer experience is worth it.





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