The story of how Pocketnest, the financial wellness app, leveraged language, approachability and pure value to reach the masses.
We knew when creating Pocketnest, the financial wellness app that exists to bring financial wellness to the masses, that we wanted to be different from all other fintech platforms. For one, we offer comprehensive financial planning services—something we think other fintechs do not do well, and something financial institutions struggle to do at scale. And secondly, we wanted to be approachable and “speak millennial”—something far fewer brands and large financial institutions do really well.
Jessica Willis, founder and CEO of Pocketnest has 20+ years of experience in the financial industry. As a certified financial planner and certified private wealth advisor, she has co-managed a billion dollars of private wealth. And saw a lot of trends in the industry.
Most notably, she watched her industry evolve as fintech platforms flooded the market. This evolution has been incredible, but it leaves major gaps for the largest underserved demographic—millennials and genX:
Meanwhile, the financial industry is still trying to adapt to the digital demands of the nextgen consumer:
Saddled with debt and lacking basic financial knowledge, genx and millenials are approaching their prime earnings and savings years without sufficient preparation. The industry expecting to serve them is seeking tech to modernize their traditional practice and ways to move downstream from their investment portfolio minimums.
Faced with this enormous whitespace opportunity, we developed Pocketnest to remedy this brewing financial crisis for financial institutions and the next generation of consumers they expect—and, frankly, must learn—to serve. By revolutionizing an industry that’s been historically for the elite, Pocketnest makes comprehensive financial wellness accessible to everyone through a scalable and approachable digital platform.
Willis knew that the personal financial planning industry was ripe for disruption. And she knew it was a precarious situation to introduce yet another fintech app to millennials and gen Xers who were already skeptical of financial institutions.
That’s why our brand positioning was critical—not just in our marketing content, but throughout the entire app experience and user journey with our content. Despite the fact that many of our users feel like their finances are in good shape, they still lie awake at night knowing they’re missing something. And, born and raised in the digital era having less trust and expecting more transparency from brands, we knew we had to tread lightly.
Knowing these key facts, we knew we had to bring content, trust and value over product sales; be approachable and readily available; be efficient; and give them the tools to be able to both educate themselves and get shit done.
Our product is built on education. If millennials and gen Xers need financial education, then we will be the app to do just that. But the buck doesn’t stop there. We know financial wellness includes education but, to put it crudely, it also includes getting shit done.
Built on behavioral science and psychology, Pocketnest gets to know each user—what makes them tick, what motivates them, what scares them. Then, we coach them through all ten themes of financial wellness, including: assembling a net worth snapshot, budget, debt, insurance, retirement, investments, income tax planning, estate planning, college savings plans, and an annual review.
We’re working with a short attention span, here. Not only do young people’s eyes glaze over when you start using financial jargon and sales-y buzzwords, but they’re busy! That’s why our voice is purposely approachable, chill, and easy to understand.
Sure, we throw terms like “asset allocation” and “risk tolerance” around, but we bring things down to the ground level where folks who aren’t (self-proclaimed) finance nerds can digest and act on. We want to be the wise older sibling who shares good advice—not the totally unconnected and irrelevant grandfather who just doesn’t “get it” and drones on relentlessly.
Cue our approach. We use a gamified, almost-addictive approach to draw users into the app to keep their financial plan up to date. With push notifications, emails, badges, comparisons to other folks in similar situations, and timely and customized advice, we’re teaching people to build their own financial plan.
And, we only work in small, bite-sized pieces. In only three minutes a week, users can create—and stick to—a comprehensive financial plan. We settled on three minutes, as we see our users taking a pause between Netflix episodes to tackle their plan.
Rather than make it a “thing,” we want financial conversations and planning to be built into daily life.
Before Pocketnest, providing comprehensive financial planning that’s cost-effective to providers and at a scale to reach the masses was unthinkable. Unlike algorithmic trading platforms and robo advisors that primarily address a portion of personal finance (like trading or microsavings), Pocketnest addresses all areas of financial wellness. And, to help traditional advisors who lack a digital experience—Pocketnest was built by and for the next generation of consumers.
We’re not competing with financial institutions. We work for them.
Pocketnest licenses its software to financial institutions and employee wellness programs to help people access financial wellness through deeper relationships with their financial institutions. Pocketnest helps banks, credit unions, wealth advisors, benefit providers, and the like, reach more people, educate and qualify leads faster, and boost cross-sell opportunities—all while helping their customers achieve financial wellness. We help employers boost recruitment, productivity and retention efforts, while helping them offer employees better, more comprehensive employee benefits.
Pocketnest is turning the financial industry on its head, using brilliant tech, hardwork and insightful innovation to bring incredible value to all stakeholders.
Interested in learning more? Download the Financial Faces of the Millennial infographic or the 5 Ways Fintech Is Revolutionizing the Wellness Industry white paper.
Ashleigh Craven is the Chief Marketing Officer of Pocketnest, a financial wellness app that coaches millennials and gen-xers through holistic financial wellness using its data-driven approach. The company licenses its software to financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, advisors and benefit providers, helping them to more deeply connect with a younger audience, identify cross-sell opportunities, and serve 16X more people.