Why Video a Good Marketing Tool

May 20, 2013

Today Matt explains why video is a marketing tool that you can’t afford to pass up.

Video Transcription

Hey everybody! This month we’re talking about video and animation and today I want to talk about the question we get from clients; is video a good marketing tool? There’s a lot options out there to market your business and in my opinion video is an option that you can’t afford to pass up. It is right now the fastest growing segment of the Internet with over half of all web traffic coming from video and continues to be the number one source for entertainment. With web sites like YouTube and SlideShare give small businesses the opportunity to post their videos and potentially reach hundreds of thousands of viewers. Just in 2012 ComScore came out with a report that said that the average viewer watched 22 hours of online video in a single month and 46% percent of viewers actually said that they’d be more willing to go out and seek a product or service after they watched it in a video. So question; is video a good marking tool? Simple answer yes. You need to look into it and this May 30th we will be hosting seminar that we invite you to come to. Registered at www-new.insivia.com/seminar/animation and I hope to see you there.

See how Insivia can help you with Video & Animation

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We're a SaaS Growth Agency scaling SaaS & technology companies through brand positioning, integrated marketing, web design, sales and retention.